
The Shogun Result

You are the


将軍 shougun means, well, "shogun" or "general." You have made great progress in your language learning journey. 


Read our recommendations below to give your Japanese a boost.

Where to Begin?

I know you want to jump right in and learn some phrases to impress your Japanese friends. There's nothing wrong with that--in fact, spending time learning what you want to learn is a great way to increase motivation and that makes it more likely you will continue.

That being said, unless you are just wanting to learn enough to order sushi at a restaurant for your upcoming trip to Japan, we highly recommend starting with hiragana.

The Problem with Ro-maji:

Japanese can be written in romanized characters. This is called ro-maji ローマ字. While ro-maji is useful to help learn hiragana, it can easily become a crutch later on since your eyes will naturally gravitate to the alphabet over the lesser known Japanese symbols.

It is important to not that ro-maji is not part of the Japanese writing system; it is a representation of the sounds of the Japanese writing system.

Again, unless you just want to learn beginner-level tourist Japanese, it is best to quickly learn hiragana and stay away from resources that are very ro-maji dependent. 

The Solution:

Learn hiragana!

Good news: it isn't difficult. You can learn hiragana in less than two weeks. The best part is, you can completely learn hiragana absolutely free using our free resources.

Recommended Resources

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