

October 26, 2017

難攻不落の要塞 Impregnable Fortress

難攻不落の要塞 (なんこうふらく ようさい)

impregnable fortress

nan kou fu raku no you sai
impregnable fortress

難 nan difficult, hard
攻 kou attack
不 fu non, negative, bad
落 raku fall, drop
要塞 you sai fortress, a stronghold

避難 hi nan - to take refuge, evacuate, run for cover [A]
攻撃 kou geki - attack, an offense [I]
不公平 fu kou hei - unfairness, injustice [I]
落ちる ochiru - to fall, drop [B]
サルも木から落ちる saru mo ki kara ochiru - Even monkeys fall from trees (J Proverb - no ones perfect) [I]

Actually... I had a key.



bu-san wa nan kou fu raku no you sai o tateta tsumori datta ga, sore wa wara de tsukutte atta node, ookami ni kantan ni fuki tobasarete shimatta.
Mr. Bu intended to create an impregnable fortress, but the straw house he built was easily blown down by the big, bad wolf.

  • ブーさん bu-san - Mr. Bu- [BU is the sound pigs make to Japanese ears]
  • 建てたつもり tateta tsumori - intended to build [TSUMORI means a show of intent]
  • だったが datta ga - was... but
  • それは sore wa - as for that
  • わら wara - straw
  • で de - by means of [it was made WITH straw]
  • 作ってあったので tsukutte atta node - because it was made [the NODE means because of this situation the following occurred]
  • 狼に ookami ni - for the wolf [the NI here is used to direct the attention to the wolf]
  • 簡単に kantan ni - easily [the NI makes this an adverb]
  • 吹き飛ばされてしまった fuki tobasarete shimatta - was unfortunately blown down [吹き飛ばされて is made up of two words 吹く to blow and 飛ばす to fly, together they mean blow down.]

Quick lesson:
Examples of using the に to make an adverb form out of some adjective would be:
簡単 kantan - easy
Add に
簡単に kantan ni easily

急 kyuu sudden
急に kyuu ni - suddenly

楽 raku - easy (this one is similar to kantan, but also implies comfort in doing something)
楽に raku ni - easily

静か shizuka - quiet
静かに shizuka ni - quietly

I read the に is added to on adjectives (imported from China). For other adjectives you make the く form:
よく出来ました。 yoku dekimashita. (You did well)

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