

October 5, 2017

JLPT N4 Grammar: Nagara ながら while doing

ながら while; during

  1. while; during; as
  2. although; despite

■  Verb (-masu stem form) + ながら

    ()べます (to eat) → ()べ → ()べながら (while eating)



music-(direct object marker)-listen while-homework-did

I did my homework while listening to music.

Vocabulary & Notes

For the second meaning of "although" or "despite," ながら is most often heard as 残念ながら (I'm afraid to say; it's too bad, but; unfortunately).


That’s too bad-green pepper-(direct object)-all-eat (command).

It’s a cryin’ shame, but eat all your veggies!

Vocabulary & Notes


popcorn | (direct object marker) | eat | while | movie | (direct object marker) | saw
(I) ate popcorn while watching a movie.

Vocabulary & Notes


walking | while | friend | with | spoke
While walking, I talked to a friend.

Vocabulary & Notes


■  This construction shows two actions are being performed at the same time.

■  Some grammatical patterns are easy to construct. Simply take the stem of a -masu form of a verb and add ながら to mean “while (doing verb).”

聞く ->  聞き ます -> 聞きながら (while listening)
する ->  し ます -> しながら (while doing)

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