

October 26, 2017

愛の告白 Confession of Love


confession of love

ai no koku haku
Confession of Love

愛 ai love
の no possessive
告 koku making public something
白 haku white

愛猫家 ai byou ka - a cat lover [A]
 shiro - white [B]

Godzilla Japanese Lesson

It isn't easy being green...



gojira wa kiti-chan ni ai no kokuhaku o suru tsumori datta noni, chokore-to o ie ni wasurete kichatta.
Although Godzilla intended to confess his love to Hello Kitty, he forgot the chocolates at home.


  • ゴジラ gojira - Godzilla
  • キティちゃん kitichan - Hello Kitty
  • するつもり suru tsumori - planned to do; intended to do [tsumori means "intend to" or "planning to"; use after the plain form of a verb]

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