

October 26, 2017

駆け落ち Elope, Elopement

駆け落ち (か お )


kake ochi
elope; run away with lover

駆け kake run, dash, gallop (on a horse)
落ち ochi to fall

駆除 ku jo - exterminate, get rid of (bugs...) [A]
見落とし mi otoshi - oversight, mistake [I]
落ちる ochiru - to fail (a test), to fall down, to drop [B]
落ち ochi - punch line (from a joke) [B]

And now (now, now) I pronounce (pronounce, pronounce)...



itsumo hankou shite iru hawa-do wa otousan ga kyoka o kureta ato kakeochi o shita.
Always the rebel, Howard eloped after receiving his father's permission.

  • いつも itsumo - always
  • 反抗 han kou - resistance; rebellion
  • している shiteiru - is ~ing [always rebelling]
  • 八ワード hawa-do - Howard our hero
  • お父さん otousan - father
  • 許可をくれた kyoka o kureta - received permission
  • 後 ato - later; after [Past tense verb + ato = after doing...: 食べた後 tabeta ato (after (I) ate) 映画を見た後 eiga o mita ato (after (I) watched a movie)]

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