

October 26, 2017

口を滑らせる Slip of the Tongue (mouth)

口を滑らせる (くち すべ     )

kuchi o suberaseru

kuchi o suberaseru
slip of the tongue (mouth)

口 kuchi mouth
滑 sube(raseru) slip

入り口 iri guchi - entrance [B]
人口 jin kou - population [I]
滑り台 suberi dai - playground slide [I]

I'm not sure where that came from.



tsui, kuchi o suberasete, anata no kao wa inoshishi mitai. to icchatta.
Quite unintentionally, I let, Your face looks like a wild boar. slip from my mouth.

  • つい tsui - unintentionally; by mistake
  • 口を滑らせて kuchi o suberasete - slip of the mouth and ... [-te form cunjunction]
  • あなたの anata no - your
  • 顔 kao - face
  • いのしし inoshishi - wild boar
  • ~みたい ~mitai - seems like; looks like [put after a noun - nihon mitai (looks like Japan) - kuma mitai (looks like a bear)]
  • と言っちゃった to icchatta - I unfortunately said... [~ちゃった ~chatta means something is completed, but usually shows regret over what has occurred. It is used in casual speech and its more formal counterpart is しまった shimatta acts and means the same.]

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