

January 7, 2024

Hiragana Practice Quiz

Let's Practice Hiragana!

Once you've memorized all the kana, you need to practice reading (a lot). Use this page to practice reading words. Read the hiragana out loud first and then choose the correct romanized option. Can you read these 50 important Japanese words?

Incorrect Answers:

    Vocabulary in the Quiz

    Here are all the vocabulary words that appear in the quiz. Mouse over each kanji (or tap on mobile) to get the hiragana reading. Even though you are just finishing learning hiragana, make an effort to remember the kanji as you learn words. 

    (いち) one

    () two

    (さん) three

    () four

    () five

    (ろく) six

    (しち) seven

    (はち) eight

    (きゅう) nine

    (じゅう) ten

    (いえ) house

    友達(ともだち) friend

    (ねこ) cat

    (いぬ) dog

    (くるま) car

    (くつ) shoes

    (かさ) umbrella

    ()(もの) food

    (みず) water

    (ほん) book

    切符(きっぷ) ticket

    本屋(ほんや) bookstore

    学生(がくせい) student

    先生(せんせい) teacher

    一日(いちにち) one day

    (ひる) noon

    (よる) night

    (あさ) morning

    金曜日(きんようび) Friday

    ()れ sunny

    (あめ) rain

    (ゆき) snow

    (はは) mother

    (ちち) father

    (とう)さん dad

    (かあ)さん mom

    (あお)い blue

    (あか)い red

    (みどり) green

    黄色(きいろ) yellow

    (くろ) black

    (しろ) white

    会社(かいしゃ) company

    靴下(くつした) socks

    (つくえ) desk

    電話(でんわ) phone

    英語(えいご) English

    日本語(にほんご) Japanese

    学校(がっこう) school

    Sharing is caring!

  • This was fun – and gave excellent feedback. It’s the first time I’ve been tested this way. I’ve only learn hiragana so much work harder next time.

  • THis was a lot of fun — I have studied sentences and their translations but have never been tested on vocabulary. I am slow as molassas however faired a lot better (46 out of 49) than I expected!!! Again this exercise was fun for me.

    • Glad you liked it! I should have a Katakana one done today. I’ll email everyone about it or you can look for it linked on the front page in a few hours.

  • That was fun! Do you have one for カタカナ ? Katakana is much harder for me. I’m quite slow in reading it compared to ひらがな。

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