短文チャレンジ – About Mt. Fuji
Read the news, cultural articles, and history notes in levels
How to improve your Japanese vocabulary and reading skills with 100 Word Challenge. While you can approach these lessons in any order, here are a few tips:
- Review the Key Vocabulary below
- Read the story in either the EASY version or the native-level NORMAL version or both (Click or tap the tabs to view the essay)
- Read again while listening to the audio
- Listen to the audio alone
- Take the quiz to test sentence structure and understanding. The first few questions are based on the simplified article and the last are based on the native-level article.
- Lastly, leave a comment about the article ! Let us know what you think!
Mount Fuji, Japan's iconic peak, is rich in history, culture, and natural beauty.
Did you know that this majestic mountain is actually a volcano with three separate peaks? That's right, it's a triple threat! And while it may be a dormant volcano, it last erupted back in 1707, covering nearby towns in a blanket of ash.
Climbing Mount Fuji is a popular pastime, with over 300,000 adventurers making the trek each year, many of whom follow the ancient tradition of watching the sunrise from the summit.
But wait, there's more! Mt. Fuji's influence doesn't stop at its slopes. It has inspired countless works of art, such as Hokusai's famous woodblock prints, "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji." And for the cherry on top, this awe-inspiring mountain became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013.
How cool is that? You know what's even cooler? Reading about Mt. Fuji in actual Japanese. Review the vocabulary below and get started by using the tabs above or to the left.
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Easy Version Vocabulary
- 富士山 Mount Fuji
- 日本 Japan
- 一番 the most; number one
- 高い high; tall
- 山 mountain
- 高さ height
- メートル - meters
- 静岡県 Shizuoka Prefecture
- 山梨県 Yamanashi Prefecture
- 間 between
- 美しい beautiful
- 自然 nature
- シンボル - symbol
- 日本人 Japanese people
- 大切 important; valuable
- 場所 place
- 毎年 every year
- たくさん - many; a lot
- 人 people
- 登る to climb
- 登山 mountain climbing
- シーズン - season
- 7月 July
- 8月 August
- その間 during that time
- 天気 weather
- 良くて good; favorable
- 暖かい warm
- 火山 volcano
- 今 now
- 活動 activity; action
- 見る to see; to look at
- ことができる - can; be able to
- 場所 place
- たくさん - many; a lot
- 例えば for example
- 東京 Tokyo
- 新幹線 Shinkansen; bullet train
- 行ける can go; be able to go
- 富士急ハイランド Fujikyu Highland
- 富士五湖 Fuji Five Lakes
- 一つ one (for objects)
- 河口湖 Lake Kawaguchi
- など - and so on; etc.
- 日本 Japan
- 風物詩 poetic charm; characteristic
- 多くの many
- 芸術家 artist
- 詩人 poet
- インスピレーション - inspiration
- 与えてきました has given; provided
- だから therefore; so
- 訪れる to visit
- 文化 culture
- 感じる to feel; to experience
- 素晴らしい wonderful; splendid
- 経験 experience
Normal Version Vocabulary
- 富士山 Mount Fuji
- 日本 Japan
- 最も most
- 有名 famous
- 美しい beautiful
- 山 mountain
- 高さ height
- メートル meters
- 国内 domestic; within the country
- 静岡県 Shizuoka Prefecture
- 山梨県 Yamanashi Prefecture
- 位置 position; location
- 四季 four seasons
- 通じて throughout
- さまざま various
- 美しさ beauty
- 特に particularly; especially
- 春 spring
- 桜 cherry blossoms
- 共に together with
- 素晴らしい wonderful; splendid
- 景色 scenery; landscape
- 広がります to spread; to extend
- 夏 summer
- 登山 mountain climbing
- シーズン season
- 7月 July
- 8月 August
- 多くの many
- 人々 people
- 挑戦 challenge; attempt
- 周辺 vicinity; surrounding area
- 観光 sightseeing
- スポット spot
- たくさん many; a lot
- 例えば for example
- 富士五湖 Fuji Five Lakes
- 富士急ハイランド FujiQ Highland
- 家族 family
- 楽しめる to enjoy
- 場所 place
- また also; furthermore
- 歴史 history
- 文化 culture
- 深く deeply
- 関わって involved; connected
- 多くの many
- 芸術作品 art works; pieces of art
- 詩 poem
- 登場 appearance; entry
- 訪れる to visit
- 美しい beautiful
- 自然 nature
- 触れる to touch; to come into contact with
- ことができます able to do
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This is hard vocab but recurrent Mt Fuji helps a lot. Thank you for the practice help.
Glad it helped. The more you see vocabulary, the easier it becomes. Keep at it!