Conversational Japanese requires interaction with others, from greetings to farewells and everything in between. Let's start with the greetings.
You may already know some or all of these, but it's important to review the notes and ensure your pronunciation matches the speaker's.
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Click the sound bar above to hear this section with English and space for repetition.
やっほー。 Hi. |
"やっほー" is a casual and friendly greeting used in Japanese, similar to "Hi" or "Hey" in English. It is typically used in informal settings among friends, family members, or peers. This greeting is popular among younger people and is often used when you meet someone or when you want to catch their attention in a cheerful manner. |
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おはよう。 Good morning. |
Used until around 10 am; shortened from おはようございます in casual speech |
こんにちは。 Hello; Good afternoon. [Used from late morning until early evening] |
Used from late morning until early evening. |
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こんばんは。 Good evening. |
Used from around 6 pm. |
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久しぶり。 It's been a while. |
[This phrase is used when you meet someone you haven't seen in a long time, indicating that you are happy to see them again after a significant period of absence. It can be used in both casual and somewhat formal contexts.] |
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お会いできて嬉しいです。 Nice to see you. |
[Polite; literally "I'm happy to meet you"] |
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ういっす。 Yo! (very casual) |
"ういっす" is a very casual and informal greeting in Japanese, similar to "Yo!" in English. It is often used among friends or peers, especially by younger people. This greeting conveys a sense of familiarity and ease, and it's typically used in laid-back, relaxed situations.] |
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調子どう? How's it going? |
調子 (condition; tone) + どう (how) |
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元気だった? How have you been? |
元気 (healthy; well) + だった (past tense of です) |
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元気? How are you? |
元気 (healthy; well); raise the tone at the end to make it a question. |
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最近どう? How's it been lately? |
(This phrase combines "最近" (recently; lately) and "どう" (how), asking about someone's recent experiences or well-being. It's a casual way to catch up with someone and find out how they've been doing recently. |
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初めまして。 Nice to meet you. |
Used when meeting someone for the first time, "初めまして" literally means "It's the first time." It's a standard and polite way to introduce yourself and acknowledge the first meeting with someone. |
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ようこそ。 Welcome. |
Used to welcome someone to a place or event. "ようこそ" conveys hospitality and friendliness, making the guest feel appreciated and accepted. |
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Click the sound bar above to hear this section with English and space for repetition.
またね。 See you. |
また (again) + ね (particle indicating agreement or confirmation) |
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では、また。 Well then, see you. |
では (well then) + また (again) |
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また明日。 See you tomorrow. |
また (again) + 明日 (tomorrow). It's a straightforward way to say "see you tomorrow," commonly used among friends, family, or colleagues. |
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また来週。 See you next week. |
また (again) + 来週 (next week; 来 (coming; next) + 週 (week) |
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また今度ね。 See you next time. |
また (again) + 今度 (next time; this time) |
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おやすみ。 Good night. |
Short for おやすみなさい; used before going to bed or parting at night |
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また後でね。 See you later. |
また (again) + 後で (later; after) + ね (particle indicating agreement or confirmation). It's a casual way to say "see you later." |
じゃあね。 Bye. |
Casual; short for じゃあまたね |
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ごきげんよう。 Farewell; Take care. |
Polite; often used in formal settings |
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また近いうちに。 See you soon. |
また (again) + 近いうちに (soon; literally "within a near time") |
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楽しんでね。 Have fun. |
楽しんで (enjoy) + ね (particle indicating agreement or confirmation). Casual. |
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気をつけてね。 Take care (when parting). |
気をつけて (be careful) + ね (particle indicating agreement or confirmation) |
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気をつけて帰ってね。 Get home safely.
気をつけて (be careful) + 帰って (return; go home) + ね (particle indicating agreement or confirmation) |
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お元気で。 Take care.
Polite; literally "stay healthy" |
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良い一日を。 Have a good day.
良い (good) + 一日 (one day; day) + を (particle marking the object) |
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Homecomings and Partings
Click the sound bar above to hear this section with English and space for repetition.
いってきます。 I'm off (said when one leaves home).
Literally "I'll go and come back." |
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いってらっしゃい。 Take care (said by someone at home in response to いってきます).
Literally "Please go and come back.” |
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ただいま。 I'm back (said when one returns home).
Short for ただいま戻りました; literally "Just now (I) returned". It is a casual and common expression used within families or among close friends. |
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おかえり。 Welcome back. (said by someone at home in response to ただいま)
Short for おかえりなさい; literally "Return (well)" |
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お疲れ様。 Good work; Thanks for your hard work.
Polite; used to acknowledge someone's effort. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as after a long day of work, after completing a task, or to show appreciation for someone's efforts. It conveys a sense of gratitude and recognition for the hard work done. |
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お疲れ様です。 Good work (polite, when leaving work).
Polite; used to acknowledge someone's effort. This phrase is often used when leaving work, similar to "お疲れ様," but in a more polite form, indicating respect and appreciation for colleagues' efforts. |
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お先に失礼します。 Excuse me for leaving (polite, when leaving work).
Literally "Excuse me for leaving first." This phrase is commonly used in workplaces when someone is leaving before others. It shows politeness and respect for colleagues who may still be working. |
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すみません、ちょっと失礼します。 Excuse me, I'll be right back.
すみません (excuse me) + ちょっと (a little) + 失礼します (excuse me for being rude) |
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ただいま戻りました。 I'm back (polite).
Literally "Just now (I) returned." This is a more formal version of "ただいま," used to announce one's return in a polite manner, suitable for more formal or professional settings. |
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行ってきますね。 I'm off now (casual).
Literally "I'll go and come back." This casual phrase is a variation of "いってきます," often used among friends or family to indicate a temporary departure with the intention to return. |
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