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The Kanji Readings & Meanings
かす:ようける:- to dissolve, melt 溶岩 you gan - lava
水溶性 sui you sei - water soluble
どく - poison 働き中毒 hataraki chuu doku - workaholic, work poisoning
毒見 doku mi - tasting for poison (for a king...)
解毒剤 ge doku zai - antidote
どくひと- alone 独りぼっち hitori bocchi - lonely
独身 doku shin - unmarried, bachelor
とどく:とどける - deliver, reach 見届ける mi todokeru - to assure oneself, to make sure
届け出 todoke de - report, notification
ばす:- to fly 飛び火 tobi hi - flying sparks
飛魚 tobi uo - flying fish
空飛ぶ円盤 sora tobu en ban - flying saucer
まる:りゅうめる - keep, stay 留学生 ryuu gaku sei - overseas student, person studying abroad
居留守 i ru su - pretending to be out, pretending to not be in
まる:める:はく - to stay overnight 一泊 ippaku - staying one night
外泊 gai haku - staying overnight away from home
とみふう- rich 富士山 fu ji san - Mt. Fuji
豊富 hou fu - abundance, wealth, plenty
どんにぶい:にぶ- dull 鈍器 don ki - a blunt weapon
鈍間 noro ma - a dunce, dull person
い: - without, nothing 限り無い kagiri nai - limitless, unbound
仕方が無い shi kata ga nai - it can't be helped
い:ぼうもう - decease,dead 敵前逃亡 teki zen tou bou - deserting in the face of the enemy, retreating under enemy fire
逃亡者 tou bou sha - fugitive, runaway
ながれる:りゅうなが- flow, current 島流し shima nagashi - banished to a island
国際交流 koku sai kou ryuu - international exchange
く:めいる:らす - a cry, sound (from a bird...) 悲鳴 hi mei - a scream, shriek
大山鳴動 tai zan mei dou - a great trouble, big fuss
なみ - wave 音波 on pa - sound wave
津波 tsu nami - tsunami, tidal wave
波乗り nami nori - surfing, riding the waves
なみへいならべる:ならぶ:ならびに - line up 足並み ashi nami - to pace, step
家並み ie nami - a row of houses
なみだるい - a tear 嬉し涙 ureshi namida - tears of joy
血も涙もない chi mo namida mo nai - cold-blooded,heart of stone
なやます:のうなや- suffer, worry 恋の悩み koi no nayami - love worries
思い悩む omoi nayamu - to worry
なんやわらか:やわらかい - soft 軟式テニス nan shiki tenisu - soft-ball tennis
軟着陸 nan chaku riku - soft landing
にんまかせる:まか- office, entrust (a job to) 辞任 ji nin - resignation
任天堂 nin ten dou - Nintendo (game maker)
にんみとめる - recognize 未確認 mi kaku nin - unconfirmed
未確認飛行物体 mikakunin hi kou buttai - UFO
否認 hi nin - denial
かす:ばつく:ける:かる - pullout, stand out 息抜き iki nuki - take a rest
婆抜き baba nuki - Old Maid (card game)
抜打ち nuki uchi - a sudden assault, drawing sword and striking suddenly
ぬの - cloth 財布 sai fu - wallet, purse
座布団 za bu ton - cushion (to sit on)
ねこびょう - cat 愛猫家 ai byou ka - a cat lover
野良猫 nora neko - stray cat, alley cat
猫舌 neko jita - sensitive tongue, can't eat hot foods
ねむい:みんねむ- sleep 冬眠 tou min - hibernation, winter sleep
不眠 fu min - sleeplessness
る:れん - to train, training 訓練 kun ren - training, practice
練習場 ren shuu jou - practice area
ねん - toughts, remembering 記念 ki nen - commemoration, in memory
望郷の念 bou kyou no nen - a sense of nostalgia
ねんえる:やす:- to burn 化石燃料 ka seki nen ryou - fossil fuels
可燃 ka nen - inflammable
のう - farming 農家 nou ka - farmer, farm family
農場 nou jou - farm
のう - ability 日本語能力試験 nihongo nou ryoku shi ken - the Japanese Language Proficiency Test
人工知能 jin kou chi nou - AI, Artificial Intelligence
不可能 fu ka nou - impossible
のう - brain 洗脳 sen nou - brain washing
頭脳 zu nou - head, brains, intellect

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By Clay & Yumi