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The Mouse Bride with Definitions
Mouse over any kanji for the furigana
- むかしむかし a long time ago [repeated for emphasis]
- あるところに some place [The ある makes the place undefined like the “some” in somewhere. This is a very typical opening for Japanese fairy tales similar to “Once upon a time...”]
- ねずみ mouse
- お父さん father
- ねずみのお父さん the father mouse [This is a common construction for describing someone: The father who is a mouse. くまのプーさん Winnie the Pooh; となりの山田
Our neighbors, the Yamadas; 赤毛のアン Anne of Green Gables (literally, red-headed Anne)]
- お母さん mother
- 住んでいました there lived (a papa and mama mouse)...
- 二人 the two (mice) [Counter for people (and personized mice): 一人 One person, 二人 Two people—three people on uses nin: 三人 , 四人
(notice yo not yon), 五人…]
- 一人 one (daughter)
- 娘 daughter
- 一人娘 one and only daughter
- 娘のチュー子 a daughter named Chu-ko [子 is a common ending in female names.]
- たいへん very [usually means "very" as in this case. When used alone as in 「たいへんだ。」 it means "trouble" or "I’m doing something difficult."]
- かわいがっていました loved; tender loving care [from かわいがる; the parents lavished great love on their only daughter.]
- この this
- 娘 daughter
- とても very
- 美人 beautiful woman [this is normally only refers to human women]
- と and
- いつも always
- 自慢
pride; boast(ing)
- いつも自慢ばかり always bragging (about daughter) [Together with いつも, the ばかり reinforces the idea that the parents were constantly bragging about their daughter.]
- 年頃 of (marriageable) age
- になった became [~になる to become]
- ので therefore [that being the case; because of that; therefore; use ので when giving a reason for an effect. Because of A, B.]
- どこか somewhere
- お嫁 bride
- お嫁にやる give one’s daughter in marriage
- ことにしました was decided [The にする is often used when making decisions. ピザにする I’ll have (decide upon) pizza.]
- お父さん father
- ある日 one day
- お母さん mother
- と with [The と shows who the father consulted (相談) with (お母さん)]
- 相談 consult; talk it over
- とても美人 a very beautiful woman
- だし is and… [Used when giving a list of reasons (she’s beautiful and well-mannered).]
- きだてのいい good natured; kindhearted [modifies "child"]
- 子 child
- 世界で in the world
- 一番 #1; the best; -est
- えらい great; famous
- 一番えらい人 greatest person (in the world)
- と with
- 結婚 marriage
- 結婚させよう let’s marry her off [させよう = させる (make, have done, let...) + よう (Imperative): Let’s cause her to get married.]
- お母さん mother
- 賛成 agreement; approval
- 賛成して言いました agreeing, she said...
- もちろん of course
- ~とも certainly; of course
- もちろんですとも of course! To be sure! [とも (a sentence ender stressing agreement)]
- 世界で一番えらい人 the world’s greatest man
- ほしい want; desire
- と結婚してほしい want (daughter) to get married to (greatest man)
- わ [sentence ender used by women]
- でも but
- 世界で一番えらい人 the world’s greatest man [一番 (#1; the best; -est): The greatest man]
- って [casual topic marker: speaking of..., who is he? (similar to は)]
- 誰 who
- 誰でしょう who could it be?
- お父さん father
- 少し a little
- 考えて thinking [考える (to think)]
- 少し考えてから after thinking a little…
- 言いました said [past polite of 言う (to say)]
- それは as for that
- やはりnot surprisingly; as expected; of course, it is…
- 太陽さん the sun [Mr. Sun]
- だろう I suppose [The father mouse thinks it is understood the Sun must be the greatest, but uses だろう to show he isn’t 100% sure.]
- 二人 the couple
- 太陽のところ the sun’s place; Where the sun is
- へ the direction of
- 出かけていきました left; went [Past polite of ~ていく which shows a movement away (left away)]
- 太陽に会うと upon meeting the sun...
- 夫婦 husband and wife
- 言いました said
- 世界で一番えらい太陽さん Sun, who is the greatest in the world...
- どうぞ please (take our daughter)
- お嫁 bride
- お嫁にもらってください please take (daughter) as a bride
- 太陽 the sun
- びっくり surprised
- 言いました said
- 私 I
- 世界で in the world [the で shows location (in the world)]
- 一番 the best; the most
- えらい important
- って [casual topic marker: speaking of...; って also shows disbelief as a question marker: You think I’m the greatest?!]
- とんでもない absurd; preposterous
- 私は as for me…
- 雲さん clouds [Mr. Cloud]
- かなわない cannot match; be no match for
- 雲さんにはかなわない I’m no match for the clouds. [The には shows who (the Cloud) the speaker (the Sun) is no match for]
- でてくれば if comes out [出てくる changes to 出てくれば If comes out]
- すっかり completely
- 隠れてしまう completely hidden [しまう (after the て form) shows completion and often regret. ]
- から because [When から appears at the end of a sentence or phrase, it is probably “because” and not the preposition “from.”]
- ね [sentence ender to emphasize or show understanding]
- そこで then
- 夫婦 husband and wife
- 雲さんのところ the Cloud’s place; Where the cloud is
- へ to
- 出かけていきました left; went [past polite of ~ていく which shows movement away.]
- 世界で in the world
- 一番 the best; the most
- えらい important
- 雲さん clouds [Mr. Cloud]
- どうぞ please
- 娘をお嫁にもらってください please take (our) daughter as a bride
- 雲 cloud
- びっくり surprised
- びっくりして言いました surprised, he said… [the して acts as a conjunction: surprised and he said…]
- 私 I
- 世界で in the world
- 一番 the best; the most
- えらい important
- って [casual topic marker]
- とんでもないabsurd; preposterous
- 私は as for me, I…
- 風wind
- かなわない cannot match; be no match for
- 風 wind
- が [particle that often marks the subject]
- 吹けば if blows [風が吹く (wind blows)]
- 吹き飛ばされてしまうblow completely away
- から because [after explanation]
- ね [sentence ender used for emphasis]
- そこで then
- ねずみ mice
- 夫婦 husband and wife [while both kanji start with "fu" the first one (husband) is long ふうふ]
- 雲のところ the Cloud’s place; Where the cloud is
- へ to
- 出かけていきました left; went
- 世界で in the world
- 一番 the best; the most
- えらい important
- 風さん Mr. wind
- どうか please [a little more pleading than どうぞ]
- 娘 daughter
- を [direct object marker]
- 嫁 bride
- 娘をお嫁にもらってください please take (our) daughter as a bride
- 風wind
- びっくりして言いましたsurprised, he said…
- 私 I
- 世界で in the world
- 一番 the best; the most
- えらい important
- って [casual topic marker]
- とんでもないabsurd; preposterous
- 私は as for me; I...
- 壁さん wall [Mr. Wall]
- にはかなわない no match against… [には (regarding) + かなわない (no match)]
- 私 I; me
- が [particle that often marks the subject or brings attention to a word]
- いくら吹いても however much (I) blow [いくら~ても (no matter how much…]]
- 壁さん wall [Mr. Wall]
- びくともしない does not budge an inch; unmovable
- から because [used to explain something]
- ね isn't it [sentence ender to emphasize and prompt for acknowledgement]
- そこで then
- ねずみ mouse
- 夫婦 husband and wife
- 壁さんのところ where the wall is
- ~へ行きました went to …
- 世界で in the world
- 一番 the best; the most
- えらい important
- 壁さん Mr. Wall
- どうか please [a little more pleading than どうぞ]
- 娘 daughter
- を[direct object marker]
- 嫁 bride
- 娘をお嫁にもらってください please take (our) daughter as a bride
- 壁 wall
- びっくり surprised
- びっくりして言いました surprised, he said…
- 私 I
- 世界で in the world
- 一番 the best; the most
- えらい important
- って [casual topic marker]
- とんでもない absurd; preposterous
- 私は I; as for me...
- ねずみ mouse
- 私はねずみさんにはかなわない I’m no match for the mouse
- ねずみ mouse
- 私に in me
- 穴 hole
- 開ける to open
- 私に穴を開けてしまう (mouse) opens holes in me
- ねずみ mouse
- 夫婦 husband and wife
- 顔 face
- 見合わせて look at each other
- こうlike this
- こう言いました said the following
- なーんだ What?! [The ー emphasizes their surprise]
- 世界で in the world
- 一番 the best; the most
- えらい important
- のか [ender showing a realization of the truth; の is an abbreviation of のです・のだ and is used to indicate an explanation or show emphasis. The か makes the sentence into something of a rhetorical question.]
- そして and then
- ねずみのチュー子さん the mouse Chuko
- 隣村 the next village
- チュー吉 Chukichi
- と結婚する get married to…
- ことになりました the matter (marriage) happened
- おしまい the end
Thank you! It was great reading this and originally in the bundle and great to see it here too : )
Thanks! It’s a cute story and while not all of the vocabulary is super useful, the repetition and variation of the repetition helps.