May 13, 2024

Translation Practice from The Mouse Bride

Quick! How would you translate the following?


In the fourth book of our Learn Japanese with Stories series, we find the Mouse Bride story.

This charming story about a mother and father mouse looking for the most suitable suitor for their daughter was a childhood favorite of Yumi’s. It's also one of my top recommendations for learners of Japanese. That's because it skillfully uses repetition—not just any repetition, but engaging repetition that enhances vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension without becoming monotonous. This story beautifully demonstrates that repetition in language learning doesn’t have to be tedious. If you don't have this digital bundle, please click here to learn more.

So, let's return to 世界(せかい)一番(いちばん)えらい(ひと). What does it mean?

Here’s the vocabulary you’ll need to understand and translate this key phrase:

  • 世界(せかい) world; society
  • で in; location or context particle
  • 一番(いちばん) the most; the best; -est
  • えらい great; distinguished; remarkable; important; celebrated
  • (ひと) person

Now, try translating "世界(せかい)一番(いちばん)えらい(ひと)." Scroll down for a hint and then my translations (I have two). Don’t rush; think about how each element of the phrase fits together.

By the way, if you want to read the full story, it is found in the first Learn Japanese with Stories bundle.

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Break Down the Phrase & My Translation

All right. Let’s get back to today’s lesson. Let's analyze this phrase by dividing it into two components:

  • 世界(せかい)で (In the world): Here, the particle "で" follows the noun "世界(せかい)" (world), indicating the context or setting. This is similar to how we use prepositions like "in" before the noun in English.
  • 一番(いちばん)えらい(ひと) (The most distinguished person): In this segment, the adjectives "一番(いちばん)" (most) and "えらい" (distinguished) come before the noun "(ひと)" (person), which is akin to English phrases such as "the greatest person."

Putting it all together, this translates to:

Show Translation

Application Throughout the Story

As highlighted earlier, this foundational pattern "世界(せかい)一番(いちばん)えらい(ひと)" is creatively adapted by replacing "person" with various other nouns, enriching the vocabulary and reinforcing grammatical understanding. This strategy keeps the narrative engaging and deepens your grasp of Japanese syntax and adjective use.

Consider this variation:


The straightforward translation is "The most distinguished sun in the world." However, to avoid limiting the comparison to just "suns," a more nuanced translation would be, "The sun that is the most distinguished in the world."

Understanding "さん":

In our phrases, you'll notice the suffix "さん" attached to non-human elements like the sun, wind, and walls. While "さん" is commonly used in Japanese to address people respectfully (akin to Mr. or Ms.), its use here serves a special purpose. It personifies these elements, giving them a lifelike quality that makes our story more engaging and relatable. 

Learn More: https://www.thejapanesepage.com/what-does-san-mean-japanese/

Homework Challenge:

Now, apply what you've learned to translate these phrases from the story. Use the vocabulary provided and think about how each word interacts within the sentence:

世界(せかい)一番(いちばん)えらい(くも)さん (Cloud)

世界(せかい)一番(いちばん)えらい(かぜ)さん (Wind)

世界(せかい)一番(いちばん)えらい(かべ)さん (Wall)

Have any questions? Just leave a comment below!

And check out our digital bundles for instant access to all our stories!

All our bundles have:

✅ Multiple formats (PDF, ePub, MP3s, plus many have Anki flashcard decks)
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✅ [Satisfaction Guaranteed] - Seriously, if you aren't happy with it because it's too easy or difficult, just let us know and we'll swap it with a bundle better suited for you or we'll refund your money.

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