

July 3, 2019

Beginner Word of the Day – 人参 [carrot]

The Japanese Page Word of The Day - Carrot

Word of the Day: July 03, 2019


noun | にんじん

MEANING: carrot [ninjin]



That child hates carrots.(ano ko wa, ninjin ga kirai desu.)

[that child; carrots; dislike]

あの that
子 【こ】 child
人参 【にんじん】 carrots
嫌い 【きらい】 dislike

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  • Thank you for the examples. They were very helpful and pertinent to what I would say. I was wondering, though, if you could add the stroke order for the kanji for ningin, especially the gin part. It’s not clear to me how to write it.

    Thank you very much!

    Victoria Allen

    • Thank you! Yes, stroke order can be challenging, but for the most part, you go from top to bottom and left to right. I just added a graphic with the stroke order for you. Enjoy!

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