

May 31, 2024
Cute and Scary in Japanese Kawaii

かわいい x こわい Cute and Scary in Japanese

In today’s lesson, let’s look at a few word pairs that are easily confused in Japanese. The biggest one… is cute versus scary!

かわいい (Kanji: 可愛(かわい)い) Cute; adorable; charming; pretty

a very cute kawaii puppy cartoon

Usage: Often used to describe something or someone as endearing or aesthetically pleasing.



The puppy is very cute.


こわい (Kanji: (こわ)い) Scary; frightening; dreadful

a scary movie on tv cartoon

Usage: Used to describe something or someone as fear-inducing or intimidating.



That movie is very scary.


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Listen Carefully to the Difference:

When I (Clay) first arrived in Japan in the late 1990s, a friend of mine, another American, told me about a scary experience he had when confronted with a Japanese coworker’s newborn baby. My friend wanted to use the little Japanese he had learned and felt confident he could at least manage a “how cute” compliment. After his attempt, however, his coworker angrily said, “It’s かわいい not こわい!”

Here’s the Ninja Penguin making the same mistake:

To the Japanese ear, these two words are very different, but to the English ear, there is often room for confusion. Try your best to hear the difference.

Key Point:

  • Cute is かわいい. Pay attention to the “か” sound and the longer “い” sound.
  • Scary is こわい. Notice the "こ" sound and the short "い" sound.

Additional Example for かわいい


That cat is cute, isn’t it?


Additional Example for こわい 


His story was scary.


Another Tricky Pair:


To sit – Notice it starts with a す


To touch – Notice it starts with a さ



Please sit down.



Please don’t touch this button.



One More Potentially Confusing Word Pairing:


(Kanji: お(しり)): Buttocks



Listen to These Closely:

**Warning**: Be careful with the following



Meaning: Your closet is very big!

Misinterpretation: Could sound like "Your butt is very big!"


By paying close attention to the pronunciation and context, you can avoid these common pitfalls and use the correct word every time.

If you are a Makoto+ member, please download the bonus files and take the interactive quiz to test your knowledge!

Makoto+ Members, click here to download all the sound files and a printable PDF just for this lesson. It also has an interactive quiz to test your knowledge. Practice makes perfect!

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