
Download your FREE eBook of

100 Most Useful Kanji in Japanese

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If you are starting out learning Japanese, check out our

Beri-Beri Shoshinsha Bundle

hiragana book cover

Subscribe now by entering your name and active email address below to get instant access to 100 essential kanji for FREE!

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For Beginners of the Japanese language

NOW with Stroke Order! This book will guide you through the first and most important kanji 100 essentials. More difficult kanji are built from this foundation. Learning these first 100 hundred kanji well will greatly help your Japanese in the future. Yes, this is true even if your main goal is conversational Japanese.

  • 100 essential kanji
  • FREE MP3s of all the readings and examples found in the book
  • Mnemonic and helpful comments throughout
  • Every kanji has its correct stroke order shown
  • Each has multiple examples and an example sentence showing usage
  • PDF for use on ANY device (including PC and Mac)
  • Plus, Kindle and ePub (Nook and Sony) ebook versions for your reading device
  • ePub works on Android devices with FBReader and possibly other EPUB book reader apps

Learn the most common readings, useful example jukugo (kanji combinations), and understand usage with an example sentence for each kanji. Best of all, download the 100 sound files from our server and listen while you learn. We are also including a PDF version in the download so you can optionally study from your computer as well.

Includes PDF, Kindle MOBI, and ePub formats. This is everything you need to quickly and painlessly learn Kanji.

So if you haven't already, scroll up and fill out the form to get our Kanji 100 eBook and sound files for FREE as well as our newsletter which is packed with free lessons as well as money saving offers.


Hot Deal at TheJapanShop.com for Absolute Beginners of Japanese

Japanese for beginners - Beri-Beri Shoshinsha

Beri- Beri- Shoshinsha for Absolute Beginners of Japanese [Digital Download] is ON SALE and has FREE Lifetime updates!

For a limited time, you will get this bundle for a very low price. We will increase its price when we add more content to it. But if you get this now, future content will be FREE FOREVER.

60% OFF

5 of 5 stars

Yonde Miyo-! Volume 4 was recently added and this bundle is now 15 books.

This bundle is more sequential and has a suggested path for studying and specifically designed for a total beginner of learning Japanese language These lessons are based on N5. Learn how to read and write Katakana, Hiragana, and basic Kanji. You'll also learn to speak Japanese and understand practical expressions, study culture, traditions, and arts.

If you are a total beginner, this is for you. 

Check out the bundle now!


Here are the top questions Yumi and I get asked about our bundle deals:

I have a Mac, will these bundles work with my computer?

I don't know any Japanese at all. Do you have a download for me?

Do I really get free updates?

How do I access my download?

Can I print these or use them on multiple devices?

Clay & Yumi

Two decades ago, we began TheJapanesePage.com, one of the internet's oldest and largest free Japanese instructional sites with hundreds of free articles for beginners of Japanese. We also run TheJapanShop.com, an online store that sells quality lessons and Japanese study materials like books, eBooks, videos, audios and articles which are helpful for learners of Japanese. We also have Makoto - a monthly e-zine for beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. It is a digital magazine with all the good stuff not usually found in textbooks. It has articles on Japanese grammar, kanji, culture, and art. Each issue also includes two complete short stories with vocabulary, grammar explanations, and two sound files of each story (normal speed and slower).

The Author
