JLPT N4 Vocabulary List Page

In the past, the test makers published detailed lists of the vocabulary (as well as kanji and grammar) that would be found on the test. They no longer do this, but the older information should still cover the majority of what's on the new tests.

This list is based on the old information plus some new vocabulary confirmed to be included in the test.

Each vocabulary word is followed by a simple example sentence to give you context. There is also a sound file for each example sentence. 

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This FOUR-eBook bundle includes all you need to pass the Vocabulary, Grammar, and Kanji sections of the JLPT N4 test. You also get ALL MP3s, PDFs, ePub, and Kindle Mobi files with this purchase.

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This 4-book study guide is ON SALE + FREE Lifetime updates! For a limited time, you will get this bundle for a very low price.

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test is a yearly (held twice a year in some countries) test for students of Japanese. It is a popular way to understand your Japanese abilities. You do not need to take the test to use the material in this bundle.

N4 level is suitable for any upper beginner (whether you will take the test or not) who has learned hiragana and very basic grammar.

This FOUR-eBook bundle includes all you need to pass the Vocabulary and Kanji sections of the JLPT N4 test. The grammar, reading, and listening books are coming soon (You'll get these free with purchase). You also get ALL MP3s, PDFs, ePub, and Kindle Mobi files with this purchase.

Note: This is not for paperbacks, but you will get the exact same content in digital format.

P.S. We are adding more content to this bundle and it will be free of charge for life if you get this bundle now.

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  • Laughs, Jokes, Riddles, and Puns
  • Vocabulary
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