∼方がいい it’s better to be ~寒(さむ)い日(ひ)は一日中家(いちにちじゅういえ)の中(なか)にいる方(ほう)がいい。Click for and EnglishCold day | as for | all day |house| inside of

∼方がいい it’s better to be ~寒(さむ)い日(ひ)は一日中家(いちにちじゅういえ)の中(なか)にいる方(ほう)がいい。Click for and EnglishCold day | as for | all day |house| inside of

For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions below.睡眠時間Sleeping Time

Today, let get the "postage stamp, cut, come, wear, and listen" problem out of the way once and

Quick! What's the difference between these two words?おばさんおばさんおばあさんおばあさんCalling a middle-aged lady, 「おばあさん」 will most likely be seen as

∼方がいい it’s better to be ~寒(さむ)い日(ひ)は一日中家(いちにちじゅういえ)の中(なか)にいる方(ほう)がいい。Click for and EnglishCold day | as for | all day |house| inside of