

June 29, 2021

JLPT N5 Grammar: Sentence Enders in Japanese: でしょう deshou


■ This is a polite form of だろう and indicates a conjecture by the speaker which is not based on hard evidence. It seems; I think; probably; don't you agree? It can be followed with か to indicate a question or prompting of agreement.

HOW to use:

Conjecture: Used to express a belief that may not be known for certain.

I think he can speak Japanese.

Confirmation/Softener: Use to ask for confirmation of information by raising the final intonation or adding . It also results in a less direct way of saying something.

Do you think he can speak Japanese?


■ Used after the informal verb or adjective forms

■ Used to show conjecture or ask for confirmation of information

■ Adverbs showing conjecture or uncertainty can be used with でしょう:
→ たぶん (maybe)
→ おそらく (probably)
→ きっと (certainly)

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