

December 11, 2023

Kissin’ Christmas (クリスマスだからじゃない) Lyrics in Japanese and English

Back in the 1990s, 桑田佳祐(くわたけいすけ) from Southern All Stars (サザンオールスターズ or better known as サザン)  and 松任谷由実(まつとうやゆみ) better known as ユーミン wrote this song and sang it for a live Christmas Eve TV show. While that recording was added to later compilation albums, it was never recorded specifically for release... until now.

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For more lyric breakdowns, click here. Makoto+ members, please click here to download your bonus content (PDF, sound files, and an Anki deck with pitch accent diagrams and sound)

Key Vocabulary


Makoto+ Bonus Content

While this lesson is free, Makoto+ and Patreon supporters have access to bonus content including a downloadable PDF and sound files. If you are a member, please click here for the bonus content.

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Video of the Song

Sound File of the Lyrics

Here is a recording of all the lyrics spoken with pauses between lines. See below for breakdowns of every line with individual sound files.

Lyrics in Japanese with Furigana

Japanese Only Lyrics with Furigana

Line-by-Line with Vocabulary and Translation

Please note, in many cases, due to the poetic nature of songs, other translations are possible.

桑田佳祐(くわたけいすけ) and 松任谷由実(まつとうやゆみ)(きょく)「Kissin' Christmas (クリスマスだからじゃない)」


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes



Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes

I'll kiss you alright? So slight.

いつも ()れてるままに()ぎる

Vocabulary & Notes

You gotta be right. In this holy night.


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes

I'll kiss you alright? In snow light.

いつも ()()まると()げてく

Vocabulary & Notes

You gotta be right. In this holy night.


Vocabulary & Notes

Un uh… あなたへの Un uh… プレゼント

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Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes

My Darling!

今宵(こよい) (だれ)()ていないから)

Vocabulary & Notes

I'll kiss you alright? So slight.


Vocabulary & Notes

You gotta be right. In this holy night.


Vocabulary & Notes

今宵(こよい) (だれ)かが()()いても(おっくう)

Vocabulary & Notes

I'll kiss you alright? In snow light.

いつも ()()まると()げてく

Vocabulary & Notes

You gotta be right. In this holy night.


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes

I'll kiss you alright? So slight.


Vocabulary & Notes

You gotta be right. In this holy night.

今宵(こよい) (だれ)()ていないから

Vocabulary & Notes

I'll kiss you alright? So slight.

We're hearin' sha la la la and singing hymns tonight.

You gotta be right. In this holy night.


Vocabulary & Notes


Vocabulary & Notes

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