

March 5, 2023

Spring Thief by Yorushika ヨルシカの春泥棒 Lyrics in Japanese and English

Special thanks to 札内(ふだうち) 幸太(こうた) 【ふだうち こうた】Kota Fudauchi for helping me go through the lines. See his blog for his latest.

This catchy song is the theme song for a recent Japanese drama called 「夕暮(ゆうぐ)れに、()をつなぐ」 (hold hands at dusk | see here). For more lyric breakdowns, click here. Makoto+ members, please click here to download your bonus content (PDF, sound files, and an Anki deck with pitch accent diagrams and sound)


About ヨルシカ

Today’s song is 春泥棒 by ヨルシカ. ヨルシカ is a rock duo comprised of N-buna (ナブナ - the composer and producer) and Suis (スイ) the female singer. They play pop, rock, and J-pop.

About the Song

The title of the song is (はる)泥棒(どろぼう) (Spring Thief). It’s about, well, the spring season, which the singer isn’t ready to let go of. Spring is often associated with new beginnings such as the start of school (in Japan), pleasant weather, and forming new friendships. However, just like the ephemeral sakura cherry blossoms, the season of spring is also short-lived.

The lyrics evoke thoughts of the sakura cherry blossoms without specifically mentioning the word “sakura”. Instead, the song refers to 花見(はなみ)  (flower viewing) and (はる)吹雪(ふぶき)  (spring blizzard (of petals)). And one cannot think if “spring” in Japan without the cherry blossoms.

Although the poetic style leaves the meaning open to interpretation, there are themes of beauty and relationships and how time (represented by the wind) can come and take it all away.

N-buna, the writer of the song, said this about the idea behind the song.


If the flower represent one’s lifespan, the wind (that blows the flower petals away) represents time.


Words to Look For

As you go through the lyrics, be sure to look for repetition and variation. Here are a few phrases to look out for:

Early in the song and at the end, we encounter はらり which is onomatopoeic representing something falling gently, in this case, the flower petals. Later, we hear ()れり (clear; sunny)  and ()れり (scattered). The り ending isn’t quite right in modern Japanese, but it is probably there to echo the はらり that bookends the song. It could also be a play on the classical Japanese auxiliary verb ender り)

The other reoccurring word is 億劫(おっくう). If you listen to the song, it’s the word the singer always vibrates on. This word means a reluctance to do something. It carries a nuance of having done something often in the past, but since one hasn’t done that act recently, one is having a hard time getting into the mood of doing it again.

Take this example from Tatoeba via Jisho.org.


Too long a holiday makes one reluctant to start work again.

If you haven’t heard the song yet, give the video a watch before going through the lyrics.

Makoto+ Bonus Content

While this lesson is free, Makoto+ and Patreon supporters have access to bonus content including a downloadable PDF and sound files. If you are a member, please click here for the bonus content.

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Video of the Song

Sound File of the Lyrics

Here is a recording of all the lyrics spoken with pauses between lines. See below for breakdowns of every line with individual sound files.

Lyrics in Japanese with Furigana

Japanese Only Lyrics with Furigana

Line-by-Line with Vocabulary and Translation

Please note, in many cases, due to the poetic nature of songs, other translations are possible.

高架橋(こうかきょう)()けたら (くも)隙間(すきま)(あお)(のぞ)いた)

Vocabulary & Notes

最近(さいきん)どうも(あつ)いから ただ(かぜ)()くのを()ってた)

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ただ(はな)()るだけ  ()れり(いや)

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高架橋(こうかきょう)()けたら (みち)(さき)(きみ)(のぞ)いた

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